In the course of a relationship or even a marriage, it is not uncommon for both parties to focus extensively on creating the perfect career and focusing the rest of their energy on health and your family.
Yet, in such cases your spouse may be feeling a bit neglected as romance may have been low on your list of agendas.
If you have been looking for ways to get your mate’s attention, then read on for a few ways to do so by creating zero drama in your busy life.
1. Start a no-phone zone a few hours before bedtime
In the age of social media, it is not uncommon for both partners to spend an incredible amount of time glued to their phone screens. While you scroll through social media timelines of other couples, you might be ignoring your partner who may be sitting right next to you. So set aside a time a couple of hours before you head off to bed to ensure that you can reconnect and spend time talking to each other.
2. Spend some time doing something they enjoy
If you are someone who frequently craves your partner’s attention, you must ensure that they are not feeling stifled by your overbearing presence in the relationship. Therefore, it can be helpful to do something that they enjoy to ascertain that they are having a good time as well. Be it going bowling, meeting some of their friends or eating at their favorite restaurant.
3. Plan a daytrip or weekend getaway to a place on your bucket listA lot of couples create travel bucket lists full of places that they hope to go some day. If you want some attention from your spouse and have been feeling left out because of their busy schedule, then plan a trip together so that the two of you get some time away amid nature, the outdoors and some much needed romance.