The reality show has been renewed for a new season after two years of hiatus, and it’s been confirmed that Tarina won’t be on the new season.
According to Sunday World, a source revealed that the cast was axed from the show because she invited Christall Kay to an event without the producer’s approval.
“he thought she was bringing drama and was trying to gain popularity. Little did she know she would be fired for good this time after she was given a second chance,” adds the source.
The show was suspended after Brinette Seopela and DJ Tira’s wife Gugu Khathi allegedly beat up Kay on set.
Kay empathizes with her friend, Patel who got fired for inviting her to the event.
However, Tarina gave Sunday World a different explanation after being questioned.
“Of course, I was supposed to be part of the show, but the dates clashed. Sadly, these were prior arrangements. I was committed to these before, so I can’t opt out of them – I am far too professional to ever do that. Contracts were signed so I am here in India to shoot them,” she said.