Originally known as Spider Web Spud, Mop is a highly anticipated snippet between YSL’s Gunna and Young Thug. Snippets for this song first surfaced around late 2020 where you can see Gunna listening to the song while driving. A few months later in early March of 2021, the song was played at a supposed Slime Language 2 listening party, which lead fans to believe that the song would be on the project. Numerous snippets for the song came from that listening party within that week. When Slime Language 2 dropped, the song did not appear on the album which lead many fans to be disappointed. In June of 2021, a rumored track list for Gunna’s upcoming album, “Drip Season 4" had surfaced. On the track list you can see a track called “Mop feat. Young Thug” which lead fans to believe that this is the Spider Web Spud snippet.
DOWNLOAD mop by Gunna MP3 [4.36 MB]
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